Sunday, November 27, 2011

Welcome Sam!

We are pleased to introduce you to Samuel Wesley Hunt born on November 13, 2011 at 5:10 p.m. (Yes, one day after his due date!). He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and was 22 inches long. We are thankful that God has blessed us with a healthy son and excited to have Sam home with us!

Friday, November 11, 2011

40 Weeks

Happy Due Date weekend! The countdown that has been winding down since the first weekend of March is here - and do you want to know what happens at the end of your 40 weeks? Well, for me, nothing. Just another beautiful weekend to enjoy relaxing, watching football and eating good food with good friends. No complaints here...except that at any moment, I could go into labor. No big deal...I got this, or at least am hoping I do.

It's funny how Marc and I have been talking, guessing, day dreaming and planning November 12th for most of 2011. You know that feeling you get on Christmas eve? Well, maybe you don't unless you love Christmas as much as I do. There's something so magical about waking up on Christmas day...I just absolutely LOVE it! And yes, I am a 27-year-old and proud to admit it. Well, leading up to Sam's due date, I anticipated a similar feeling but instead it's going to be more like a surprise Christmas morning with contractions and some minor freaking out, but there is an awesome gift at the end of it.

So what to do until then....

Well for one, I'm overnested. I don't think there is one more room, closet or drawer that can be cleaned or organized. They say that planning a party is the best way for you to get things done around your house. I disagree. Pregnancy is. More projects have been accomplished at our house in the last 9 months...and I have loved every moment of it. Organization is one of my love languages for sure. So, nesting...check.

Next on the list...getting ready for maternity leave at work. Check. I have crossed off every task on my to-do list. So...I'm a little curious about what I'm planning to do in the office next week if Sam hasn't arrived (dare I say it...plan ahead?!!).

Take lots of naps. Check. Last Saturday, after eating breakfast, I took a nap. Then, after dinner, I took another nap. Then I went to bed. Also, the nasty cold (who is attempting to hang on by a thread) afforded me plenty of napping opportunities this week as well as more than enough time to watch more tv shows and free movies On Demand including Father of the Bride and Father of the Bride 2. Also, catching up on tv. Check.

Our bags are packed, the car seat is in and sooooo I'm wondering what I'm going to do while we wait for Sam's arrival....

Well, as I've avoided an all-out panic attack because I really don't have anything looming over me that needs to be done, I realized my brain finally has some capacity to just enjoy the beautiful fall weather and give thanks for the many blessings God has given us during this time. Which of course now I'm realizing I've carving out time at the typical. My devotion yesterday even said, "If you're bored with what you are doing, fill your time with prayers and and praise." It's amazing what you can hear God tell you when you finally sit still.

This pregnancy has been such a sweet time. I have been so blessed by a wonderful network of support through family, friends, co-workers, our church, the kids and their families and even perfect strangers. People LOVE pregnant women. Just the other day, I was at the grocery store when a woman came up to me and said, "Oh thank God you're pregnant. I'm pregnant too and feeling so nauseous. Can I take this medicine?" Well first off, I've never had a perfect stranger tell me they were thankful to see me at the grocery store. I realized that she felt comfortable approaching me because we shared the bond of pregnancy.

I'm so thankful for what the Lord has taught me during this time. How He has gently reminded me of who is in control and how He has opened my eyes to see His creation woven into my routined life. How thankful I am that He chose me and Marc to be Sam's parents. And, how much I am reminded through this how much He loves me. I'm thankful for the lessons that the Lord has taught me during this time that has and is preparing me to be a parent. And, the Lord's very blatant reminder that I will not be perfect and have to rely on Him...for everything. Finally, I'm thankful that the Lord has allowed me an opportunity to work with a group of kids who have helped prepare both Marc and I for parenthood. They allowed me grace to love them as family and make some mistakes in the process.

As Sam's arrival has approached, I've cherished every moment Marc and I have shared in the past 4 1/2 years and the sweet quiet moments we've shared together in the past few weeks. I'm so thankful for the adventures we experienced as a couple. And, the ups and the downs that have allowed to us become better friends and a stronger couple. I'm excited to experience the adventure of parenthood with him. I'm thankful for his support and gentleness during my pregnancy....for every emotional moment he endured, his patience as I perfected every part of our home, for every time I woke up in the middle of the night and he asked if I was ok. For every time he reminded me of how beautiful I was when I felt like a stretched out ball of lard.

Lastly, I'm so thankful for Sam! Thankful for his health and thankful that he made being pregnant so fun and non-eventful. We are so excited to meet you Sam and I will say we're getting more and more anxious to finally lay our eyes on your precious face, but you come out when you're ready. We'll be here!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Cold

You may remember that when I found out I was pregnant that I had a cold. Somewhere during the second trimester, I got another cold. And now, in my 40th week of pregnancy....guess what?! If you said had a baby, I wish you were right. If you said cold...DING DING DING! You are a winner. This pregnancy started and is ending with the same nasty cold. I would just like to let you know cold that you are no longer welcome, and just you wait, in a few weeks, I'll be able to take a LOT more stronger medicine to kick you should be very scared cold.

And let me just say or rather whine for the record, that heartburn and not being able to sleep on top of a runny nose, stuffy head and chest congestion is just an insult to injury at this point.

Ok...enough whining. After sleeping and watching re-runs of Friends all day, I'm feeling a little better today. I'm planning to spend a few hours at work and then I have a date with Bailey and the couch the rest of the afternoon. Gotta rest up!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Preggo Photos

I mentioned a few posts ago that we had some professional pictures taken to document being pregnant...and because I was a huge slacker when it came to taking pics of my growing belly. Anywho, we were recommended by a friend to use Meg Davidson. She was amazing and even managed to make this awkward fool feel comfortable. (I just didn't know what to do with my hands...Marc said I reminded of him of this clip...)

Again, I get off topic...SO, one evening after work, Marc and I met Meg at Stone Mountain Park to take some pictures. Like I said, she did a great job and what's even better, is that she's planning to come to our house after Sam is born to take some newborn pics. Here are some of our favorite pics. Thank you again Meg!!


Friday, November 4, 2011

39 Weeks...

Well my friends this weekend marks 39 weeks. It could be any day now or any week now. At this point, the two are drastically different and I must admit that it would be kinda nice to know (like if he could send me a note or do some morse code on my belly). And, I'm fairly certain our families and friends would appreciate some head's up too. However, I'm extremely thankful that I don't know because my over-worrying, over-anxious brain would be a nervous wreck. It's at times like these that I understand why God doesn't let us have control over some things.

And, according to my weekly doctor's appointment, we're moving and progressing slowly but surely. While the people I knew who had due dates around mine have already had their babies, it's looking like I will make mine. That's at least my bet.

So, the waiting game, heartburn and peeing every two minutes continues. I'm excited for a weekend of rest involving staying in my pjs all day, reading and watching tv. Yes, it sounds like the most boring thing ever but the wonderful opportunity to relax is closing in on its expiration date once our little man makes his arrival. :)

Happy 18th Birthday!

This past week flew by just as quickly as the weekend did. I was a very motivated girl at work this week - actually getting up and arriving on time! All the items on my to-do list are marked off and my office is overly organized and clean...just in case little Sam arrives this weekend. I'm sure this only means he won't...

A very important event hap
pened this week - Sieara celebrated her 18th birthday! As I've mentioned before, I initially met Sieara at Camp Hope 2008 when she was 15. Our mentor relationship began later that fall. Since then, Marc and I can certainly say she has become part of our family. Sieara likes to say, as she rolls her eyes, that she always feels adopted when she hangs out with us. I've decided to think of it as a compliment even though I'm sure it's another way for Sieara to remind me that I'm really not cool at all. And, while I know that Sieara has her own family, I am thankful she considers to have an "adopted" family in us. And, my prayer is she sees beyond us and sees that she's a part of God'sadopted family. Anywho, after day 2 day of How to Have a Baby Weekend Crash Course, Marc and I went to pick-up Sieara and her cousin for a birthday dinner celebration. Celebrating Sieara's birthday has become an annual tradition that I probably look forward to as much, if not more, than Sieara. I just LOVE birthdays! And, to make my mom really proud, I came prepared with a birthday box - an essential item of the birthday celebration - that included candles, a birthday hat, a birthday necklace, a camera, Sieara's a gift, and a FAFSA know...the essentials...

We celebrated Sieara's 18th birthday at Buckhead Diner and as usual, Sieara enjoy
ed every moment of feeling she should. I love watching her in those moments because I see a freedom in her smile, a freedom I know she doesn't experience in her daily life. And, a freedom that we only experience in Christ. Happy 18th Birthday Sieara! Marc, Bailey, Sam and I love you!
Sieara and her cousin Leah
(they are making fun of one of our preggo pics in the bottom picture - hope to share proofs soon!)