Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Own Little World

I heard this song on my way back to work from lunch with a really sweet friend I know through Camp Hope. She and I always end up having really deep conversations about our desires and passions. As she put it, "We always have such intellectual conversations when we get together...and I'm really not an intellectual." That makes two of us!

Anyway, our conversation stirred up some of the things that have been on my heart recently, and then I heard this song by Matthew West on the way home. I love music - especially worship - because the lyrics usually do a better job of explaining my heart and thoughts. This song does just tendency is to be preoccupied with what I'm doing, my plans and me, me, me when actually, I am here to do His will, to glorify Him and to go where He wants me to go! I love the part of the song that says
"Father break my heart for what breaks Yours, give me open hands and open doors, put Your light in my eyes and let me see, that my own little world is not about me." Thank you God for this word today!

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