Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January aka Birth Month!

Since I've decided to return to blogging, I realize my posts have been pretty deep - which is pretty indicative of life around the Hunt household recently.  God is certainly moving in our home, but it's not all serious around here....we do like to have fun...

...which is what we've been doing in honor of what we refer to in our home as my BIRTH MONTH!  My family has always teased  me that I don't like to just celebrate a birth day, but the entire month long.  And, in response I say, WHY NOT?!  It's a time to feel special, go out to dinner, eat CAKE (one of my favorite desserts and one of the main reasons I enjoy weddings), open presents and receive birthday greetings via mail, e-mail, text and Facebook.  Who wouldn't love that?  And, if it lasts more than one day, bring it on!

To kick-off my 29th birthday celebration, I had a weekend of pampering with a girl's night out with two dear friends.  We stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel in Buckhead and dined in the big city.  What a treat to enjoy adult food, beverages, and conversation!!  The next morning, I enjoyed an hour massage and pedicure.  I went home completely relaxed...it's amazing what a relaxing night of fellowship can do to this girl's soul.  I am so grateful that my sweet husband realizes my need for date nights and girls' nights.  Since becoming a mommy, quality time with friends and my husband mean more to me than they ever did.  Later that weekend, I was able to catch up with another dear friend over dinner at my favorite restaurant in the world...Last Resort in Athens.  Seriously, I was spoiled that weekend.  I owe Marc a refreshing weekend in the woods pronto after my weekend of pampering. 

On my actual birthday, Marc and Sieara took me to dinner at Stoney River near our home.  I have had SO much good food this month and am still enjoying cake...see all the perks to having a birth month?!  Everyone should have one. 

What a way to ring in the last year in my 20s.  They've been so good to me, and I expect nothing but more fun, adventures and excitement in my 30s.  Now, time for some cake...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hope Blossoms

It's amazing how much running does clear my head.  Thoughts that usually are jumbled all of a sudden align into meaning.  Of course, not all runs end in life-altering insight but today's did.  

So, as I outlined my goals for 2013, I thought it was about something familiar, now I am realizing they were something unexpected.  I made goals about growth as a wife and mom, but then God intersects your life with somethig new and different, something you weren't prepared to deal with.  And, that's where faith comes in.  I think I'm supposed to be obedient to Marc (and I am) and content with my life as a stay-at-home mom (I'm supposed to do that also), but life intersects with God's ordained will and timing.  

On Wednesday, I received a life-altering text.  The rubber hit the road.  There was a choice - stepping out in faith or if you're a control freak like me, running to what's comfortable, outlining controls, methods and plans...which is what I did.  I freaked out and planned out how to deal with the unexpected.  Is it a coincidence that my Bible study is currently going through Abram/Abraham's life?  His obedience as God led him through the promised land.  Abram's humanness as he hears God's promises but stills follows his own plans or the customs of that day.  The intimacy Abram and God shared as Abram poured out his heart God - his desires, his fears, his anxiety.  God's promise to Abram, "I am your shield; your very great reward."  God keeping His promises in His time.  

If my eyes weren't open to Him, the timing of this study and His word would just be a coincidence, and I would miss it.  I would miss the Hope that is in Him.  He is our Hope, and He is the Hope of impossible situations.  Impossible situations that come from life-altering moments where I have a choice: to do my will or be obedient and content to His will.  Allowing myself to give up on my hopes and let Him be Hope.  The single rose blossom in our driveway would usually go unnoticed, but today it was a reminder that Hope does blossom.  In it's time.  An unexpected reminder in the middle of a dreary and cold winter...there is Hope. 

And the rubber hits the road. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 Goals

I'm not really into resolution-making that the rest of the world conducts on January 1st.  I certainly believe in evaluation of ourselves and setting goals which I strive to do, and hopefully on a more consistent basis.  And, let's just be honest, if I did make resolutions such as limiting myself to just one cup of coffee a day (ignore the fact that I'm enjoying a cup now) or one sweet item a day, not only would I blow it after 5 minutes, but I think my family and close friends would ask me to return to my old habits too. 

Anywho, I figured this would be the best outlet to outline my goals and areas of growth in 2013:

1. "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8.  I love this verse, and I want to strive to live by this truth no matter what I do this year.  I also love the tenderness and intimacy described in this verse.  I want to walk with my God in 2013. 

2. Obedience.  This is a word that when I just say it, I feel the resistance of my entire body and mind.  Ugh...obedience is hard.  This is a word that keeps coming up in my life so even if I tried to run from it, it would keep finding me.  So, may as well hit it straight on.  I want to be obedient to God's call and to my husband.  This one will be fun...especially with my control-freak nature.  I'm putting or attempting to put myself in time-out this year and simply obey. 

3. Contentment.  I'm totally stealing this word from my sister-in-law for her New Year's resolutions.  After a year of transitions and adjustments of leaving work to stay at home with Sam, I just want to be content with where I am - both emotionally and socially.  Staying at home is an amazing blessing that I certainly don't take for granted, but the transition has brought many insecurities to the surface - emotionally and socially.  Rather than days filled with anxiety and worry, I want to be content in the days filled with new and old friends, but also enjoy the days of quietness of just me and Sam.  God called me to stay at home, and that's it.  He didn't specify where I was going, how long it would take or even give me the slightest glimpse of the end result.  So, I just need to be content in faithfully obeying (there's that word...) His direction and be content during this stage. 

4. Running.  A tangible goal...I do so much better with this kind of goal.  Before I got pregnant, I enjoyed running a few times a week.  It was a great release for me and helped clear this jumbled head of mine.  I even ran a half-marathon.  Almost 14 months after Sam, and I still have baby weight (breastfeeding did not melt away the pounds as advertised...).  I'm ready to feel active and healthy again.  Consequently, I was talked into running another half-marathon in April!  So, the training has begun and 13.1 miles will happen in about 13 weeks.  But, even after that, I hope to continue a (less extreme) running habit.  

5. Writing.  Last, but certainly not least, I would sincerely like to commit to blogging - not for anyone really but me...but of course, I love the idea that people may read it!  My head is filled with thoughts throughout the day, and blogging is a way to just have mental diarreah...and get it out there.  That's what motivated me to be a Journalism major in college in the first place.  I love writing and believe everyone has a story to tell.  This blog is a way to tell mine.  

Not too shabby of a list.  It may not be a long list, but I've certainly got my work cut out for me.  Here's to a wonderful and goal-oriented 2013!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I Am a Mentor

January is National Mentoring Month, and today mentors, mentees, youth mentoring organizations and mentoring advocates across America are invited and encouraged to join "I Am a Mentor" social media day.

In short, not only does mentoring work, it is also life been life changing...for me.  I met Sieara at my first Camp Hope in 2008.  I was one of two adult counselors in her cabin, and if I'm completely honest, she tested every amount of patience I had (which isn't much) and pushed every button she could with her attitude.  She was this beautiful but sassy teenager with an eye roll that made the entire room cold.  She had a way of completely changing the dynamics in a room...for better or worse.  Mid-week, I was ready for Sieara, or rather her attitude, to just go home.  After Camp Hope, I had the pleasure of calling to notify her that she would have to repeat a level of camp due to her attitude.  Naturally, she wasn't thrilled, but at the end of the conversation, her attitude softened as she thanked us for recent financial assistance that the office was able to provide to her mom.  When I asked Sieara if there was anything else before our conversation ended, she said, "My birthday is this week."  Something about her change of tone, gratitude and innocence made me realize there was more to this girl - more than what I experienced at Camp Hope.

A few months after that, we just sort of chose one another as Mentor/Mentee.  At a seperate Camp Hope event, I told her that I would love to visit her more often.  A few days after that event, I received a phone call from an unknown number.  It was Sieara on the other line telling me she was ready for a visit.
That first visit sparked a relationship I don't think either one of us expected.  I still remember sitting across from her, just 15 years-old, in the booth at Pizza Hut sharing pizza and life together.  Since then, we've shared more meals than we can count, lots of laughs, equally as many quiet visits, some tears, and probably a few eye-rolls...and not just from her.  Sieara challenged me probably in more ways than she realizes.  I received a taste of what my mom experienced when I was a teenage girl.  We actually did argue in a mall one time that she couldn't buy ripped jeans.  We have a no cell phone rule during meals that she insists on testing almost every time...she thinks I don't notice her looking down at her lap.  She opened my eyes to the harsh reality that some people live in, but that love does still exist in those dark places.  She pushed me to realize that rather than conforming her to my comfort-level, I needed to be willing to be open to new experiences and new ways of thinking. 
And there were glimpses of joy and pure happiness that I'm so grateful I've been able to witness over our four years together.  All moments that I would have missed if I had not started viewing her through God's eyes.  The ways her eyes lit up when we celebrated her 16th birthday at The Cheesecake Factory.  How she closes her eyes before she blows out the candle, really wishing on something great.  The way she laughs with her friends.  How full of life she is at camp.  The contagious smile she has as she goes down the slide into Pool 2 at Rock Eagle.  Her adventurous spirit.  Trying sushi for the first time, and liking it.  Holding Sam for the first time and tweeting his picture calling him, "my boo."  Crying tears and both of us knowing her pain without saying a word.

I started mentoring to be a positive influence, but mentoring no longer contains the relationship I have with Sieara.  She's my friend, she's my mentor in so many ways, and she is my daughter.

Mentoring DOES work.  It changed me. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Excused Abscence

I sincerely apologize for my extended absence, it's just that I've been living quite a few adventures, and just haven't had a moment to write about them.  And actually, my biggest one, my one-year-old son, Sam, just woke up from his nap meaning that this post will have to wait a few hours..maybe days, but certainly not more than a year.  But, don't hold your breath quite yet.....

....Ok, false alarm, he seems to be settling back into sweet slumber giving me a few more precious moments.

2013 is well underway, and this blog hasn't seen any action since November 2011.  Our world was rocked in so many ways with the birth of our son, Samuel Wesley Hunt.  Sam Bam, Sam I Am or just Sam as we like to call him.  The immediacy and exhaustion of the newborn stage kept us (or specifically me) rather preoccupied.  Then feeding, work, camp, crawling...there's always something isn't there?  I think we just call it life  However, I'll spare us more reading and writing than we have time for on catching you up on the last almost 14 months.  The quicker than Reader's Digest version is:
  • Marc graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary with a degree in Christian Leadership. 
  • God very clearly called me to stay at home with Sam...funny how the one thing you think you would NEVER do, you end up doing.  I will eventually stop putting absolutes on my life as I seem to eat my words every.single.time....
  • We attended our 5th Camp Hope
  • Celebrated our 5th Anniversary with a romantic getaway to NYC!
  • Celebrated Sam's first birthday
And, that pretty much brings us up to speed.  Of course, there was  LOT more that happened.  Lots of big, little and in between milestones that I'm sure will come out as I figure out where I'm headed in this new adventure of life.  For now though, the cries through the monitor indicate nap time officially is over...adios for now!